Bait and Hook !

The world has felt a little chaotic the last few days, malicious plans and mistakes being made left and right. If anyone has been affected, directly or otherwise, I pray you strength, we are all fighting our own battles, a little help cant hurt.

So I was scheduled today to get my hooks on this morning. I'll back track for a minute and say its been raining, non stop in Chicago for the past 4 days. The rivers have flooded, the lakes have flooded and a sinkhole swallowed 3 cars... So with all that in mind it took me over TWO HOURS to get to my orthos office, when it typically takes 30 minutes. Lets say by the time I got there, I wasnt smiling lol. Anyhow I got in and was able to brush my teeth, floss, mouthwash- and as always it feels great.... Then the not so fun part getting the hooks on. Apparently Dr.G wants them a veeerrrryyy specific way, it took no joke an hour and thirty minutes to get the hooks on and was quite painful. I have to mention, that I'm very lucky to be working with my current ortho (Dr.Klepacki) and his team, since I moved to Chicago. He was a referral from my surgeon and has been very professional and kind through out the entire process, open to answering any questions and explaining everything step by step. Its exactly what I needed. He kept mentioning how excited he was to see my results, I found it very comforting that he felt that way about it all !

Here is the aftermath of my appointment today. Oh and I should add its STILL raining lol. I need to start packing my bags and getting my list of supplies- I'll post pictures when I've got it together. 
Cant wait to get out of here !!


  1. Oh yes!! The classic hook look!

    I have been in my surgical graces for over a month now!! :-S. I was due initially for my surgery April,11th however they changed my date to April,25th.

    To be honest, I haven't found mine to bad!!! Only at times, my top lip will get caught lol just like a fish!!

    I'm officially done work till after my surgery recovery. Took a few days before hand to help me regroup myself, and to prepare! Seeing I will be down for awhile. I would love to see some before pics!?!

    Talk to you soon!!

  2. Wishing you a smooth recovery from your upcoming surgery! I see you are in the Chicago area too, the rain has been crazy. I am aiming for my surgery to be in early June but don't have a date set yet. I will be interested in your recovery process and any tips you can share! Take care!




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The pursuit of a beautiful smile, healthy bite, and balanced facial aesthetics.